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Welcome to the Red Tent
Women in the world are gathering
together we're creating
a world unafraid of feeling
we're initiating healing...
So rise up, rise up, rise up
rise up, rise up, rise up...
Women of all ages have gathered since ancient times. They came together to share knowledge, experiences, stories, wisdom, to nurture and to support each other, to weave together and to build community in many ways.
Young women were supported on their path into adulthood and benefitted from the experiences and stories of the ones who walked the path before them. Older women shared their insights and questions and listened to each other to ease the way forward and to help each other on their journey through life. Everyone - no matter the age, background, culture - benefitted from the regular sharings.
The gatherings were aligned to the cycles of the Moon to acknowledge the intimate link between Moon and Wemoon (women). Through the womb and the monthly cycles women are closely connected to the Moon cycles and directly affected by them. The time of the circles were often chosen around a time when the energies were at their lowest point and when women needed support the most: around New Moon. Other sharing circles happened around Full Moon when the tuition from within (in-tuition) was at its peak and women were able to in-spire (in spirit) each other.
Around 2009, the Red Tent movement picked up these ancient traditions and revived them in a new way. Currently, there are thousands of Red Tents in many countries around the world. Lisa Starkweather and Isadora Leidenfrost documented the beginning of the Red Tent movement in a beautiful documentary. If you want let us know, and we will arrange another screening of "Red Tent - the movie" at the Studio.
Why is the Red Tent red?
The colour Red reflects the colour of the womb space and the monthly bleeding cycle of women. No matter if we are bleeding or not, no matter if we still have a womb or not: the energetic connection of women to the womb space and the monthly Moon cycles is alive and active. Women have the unique opportunity and gift to re-birth and transform energy each month anew. This is why they were acknowledged and honoured in old tribal communities - and still are today in some indigenous cultures. Their ability to transform was used for the benefit of all: not only for the human but also the non-human community. Menstrual blood was collected and used as potent fertiliser for the crops, as remedy (dried & pulverised or fresh) for various ailments and as magic sacred ingredient in ceremonies and rituals to enhance life.
Red Tent at the Wee Wellbeing Studio
At the Wee Studio we hold monthly New Moon circles for wemoon of all ages on a Friday, 7:30pm. You can come once or many times, you don't need to do anything, you don't need to perform, you don't need to talk - you can just come and relax and be. Follow your inner flow and know that you are always welcome and safe in the Red Tent.
To hold a safe and nurturing space we follow a few simple guidelines. Please check them out here.
If you want to align yourself consciously to the Moon cycles and observe how they affect your whole being, you can check the Moon phases for 2021 here. Following the Moon cycles and allowing yourself to live in accordance with your natural Moon rhythm will bring balance and ease to your life on many levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Try it!
Red Tent dates 2021 - tbc